
Soul Sense

Soul Sense a Pathway to Soul-Full Living

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To know soul, we sense, is a worthy pursuit. Brain science research reveals that stillness and mindfulness can connect us to soul and lead us to greater levels of personal and professional productivity and energy. Our mental and physical health can be improved when we step outside of the rat race and away from our electronic devices to connect to something deeper and higher. Listening for soul in our lives, where so much timeless wisdom and magic resides, reminds us of our values. It enables us to ground ourselves in these values and empowers us to express them through all that we do.

Connecting with soul and creating balance isn’t always easy in these noisy volatile times. We live in a world where Information bombards us and we often believe we cannot, we should not, look away. But the mindfulness revolution is here and many of the people I engage with are telling me they want more—not more information, money, or success, but a greater sense of what is true and truly meaningful.

There are universal truths, and we come to know them in a multitude of ways. Soul-full individuals are everywhere—leading businesses, guiding and teaching, making art, tending gardens, and curing diseases. When you ask them what their “secret sauce” is, you’ll find that the most soul-full individuals amongst us articulate it as a powerful combination of a trust in their common sense and their intuition – what some would call their “sixth sense.”

When we unite common sense with our sixth sense, we generate the opportunity to live from a point of integrity, which catalyzes the connection with your Soul Sense.

Soul Sense is a way of living your life,
daily and with integrity,
from a universal core.

The word “integrity” carries the meaning of both honesty and as wholeness. Living with Soul Sense supports you to get to your truth and to what is true, and best of all, allows for alignment between your inner state of being and your outer self. Living with Soul Sense nourishes you internally, so that externally, you are able to reach your highest potential and achieve your best destiny. When you begin to work your way through the Soul Sense Process™, the feeling that something is missing or off, begins to dissipate. You start to feel and to become more whole, accountable, and free.

When you choose to embark on the Soul Sense Process you choose to bring conscious awareness to the following three things:

  • Soul Call
  • Soul Fire
  • Soul Care

Attending to these three elements of soul allows you to live from a place of full vitality without judgment. It empowers you with a mindset that truly does change your approach to everything, and thus, your reality.

Listening for your Soul Call, finding your Soul Fire, and attending to your Soul Care does not require extreme experiences to expand your consciousness, like climbing a mountain and dwelling in a cave. As you sit and engage with what is universal and inside you, all you do “on the outside,” as a unique and powerful individual operating in this world, takes on a more precise focus and at the same time, a deeper and amplified effect.

One soul-full conversation or encounter will lead to another. You will understand the big WHY of things, and that all the money and success in the world is insignificant until you put meaning to it.

Soul Sense and the Soul Sense Process asks:

  • Are you called or are you driven?
  • Will you stoke your fire, or flee from it?
  • Once lit, will you work consciously to avoid burn out?

Soul-full people surround us—they give us goosebumps. We know when we are in their presence. We feel inspired and energized by our conversations and interactions with them. The truth is, soul resides in us all—we just need to honor it with more of our attention.

You are here, right now, because your soul is calling. You sense that soul is the greatest human equalizer—and therefore our greatest hope. It has the power to create positive transformations on individual, community and global levels.

You are here, ready to choose the Soul Sense mindset. We are here to share with you the Soul Sense Process™.